Hey! I am Hrishubh Bhandari, a final year Computer Engineering student at Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara - International Campus Diu (IIIT-ICD).
The purpose of this website is to try to share my life experiences, achievements, projects, interests and hobbies so that you may come to know about me without actually meeting me.
I hope you have a nice time going through the portfolio! Feel free to reach out to me for any questions, suggestions or a job/collaboration opportunity.
Interested in learning new Data Structures and Algorithms. Regularly practice on Leetcode & CodeForces.
Very passionate full stack Developer with expertise in MERN stack.
Machine Learning Enthusiast with special interest in Reinforcement Learning.
Web3 and BlockChain Enthusiast with special some experience working with Ethereum.
President of Technical Committee of IIITV-ICD responsible for organising and conducting various tech related Events, Competitions, Hackathons and Seminars.
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering
Secondary and Senior Secondary High School
891 rank (Total 1 million Participants)
1st Position in init.mains (Organised by IIITV)
2nd Position in Codestrike v2.0, Codestrike 2021 & iiit.str() (Organised by IIITV)
State Rank Ⅱ : 2018 and 2020
State Rank Ⅲ : 2017 and 2019